Individualni rad

The reasons people decide to look for help are numerous. It could be provoked by a feeling of inner incompleteness or a desire to know oneself better. The most common reason is a problem or a crisis caused by facing an illness, loss, partnership problems, relationships and communication problems with children, increasing stress at work, emotional fits or imbalance, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, increasing fears and phobias, traumatic events and other stressful situations.

During the first session the client and I get to know each other and decide whether we want to continue with the therapy or not. Depending on the problem, we set our guidelines and goals.

Acceptance and understanding are rarely received at times when we experience anger, rage, sorrow or envy, while at the same time it is exactly acceptance and understanding that help us strengthen and establish our emotional independence and find our answers. It is only when we get to know ourselves better and learn to accept our limitations and envision our possibilities that we can change our psychological blockades and reach a state in which life situations won't overwhelm us to such an extent that we lose contact with ourselves.


60 minutes


55 €

Centar Restart

The Restart Center is a place of work on the personal development of adults through the methods of body-oriented psychotherapy and expressive art therapy.

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