A longer answer to the question of who would benefit from working on oneself is: people who go through emotional and psychosomatic difficulties that have a negative effect on their everyday lives, but want to be stronger and happier. Oftentimes they've already tried different self-help methods and came to a conclusion that they need a professional help on that journey. A shorter answer is: everyone, at least at a certain point in their lives. Here are a few explanations about common beliefs and prejudices in regard to this decision.
I know what my problem is, I just need to start working on it.
Exactly. Many of us face different problems because we don't have enough support from our environment or motivation to make a decision and stick to it. A professional can help us determine clear goals and provide guidelines, bearing in mind the possible obstacles on the way and providing us with a necessary support throughout the entire process.
I'm embarrassed to talk about my problems to a stranger.
Yes, most people find it embarrassing to talk about themselves in front of people they don't know. However, this approach is designed exactly to provide a space where one can feel safe and supported. It often happens that right after the first session the tension and discomfort are reduced, while after continuous meetings they disappear altogether.
I'm shy and I don't talk a lot.
Many of us restrain from talking about private matters. Talking with someone who is patient and capable of asking relevant questions as well as inspiring you to express yourself is a highly valuable experience for a shy person.
My environment does not support dealing with emotional and mental health.
The fact remains that our culture does not support dealing with our emotional and mental health, quite the opposite. If someone does it nevertheless, it is often considered that there's something wrong with them and that they are exaggerating their problems. Each person needs to accept the responsibility for himself as well as for his or her individual work, if they desire to do so, no matter what the environment suggests. It is important to decide „What's more important? My inner state of being or the atmosphere in my environment?“ and act accordingly.
There are no significant problems in my life. My problems are irrelevant.
People often ignore or underestimate the importance of their problems and their negative impact on their lives, despite the obvious indicators that prove otherwise. If you question yourself, your decisions, your general condition or relationships with other people, while feeling dissatisfied or even suffer from physical or emotional difficulties, it is highly probable that you are underestimating your problems.
I have people I can trust, who listen to my problems and counsel me. I don't need to pay for it.
It often happens that we're dealing with similar problems and tell similar stories over and over again. A professional can give you a fresh and unbiased perspective, recognize cause-and-effect relationship in repeating patterns of one's behaviour and act towards resolving problems from deep within their core.
My problems won't be solved just by sitting and talking about them.
The truth is that a conversation can bring a short-term relief but does not solve the problem on its own. The conversation is merely the first step in facing the problem followed by meticulous work.
Dealing with emotional and mental health is expensive. I can't afford it.
It costs much more to live with the consequences of accumulated stress - psychically, emotionally and materially. Investing in personal growth and development has a long-term effect on material level. The more we are connected with ourselves, the more satisfied we are, thus we don't need external regulators such as cigarettes, alcohol, pills, impulsive shopping, junk food or drinks, gambling, betting or any other products that exist on the market.
My education includes a thorough study of leading psychodynamic trends from theoretical and practical perspectives, anatomy and physiognomy, personal individual and group psychotherapy, supervised practice and continuous individual and group supervisions during individual work. I am a member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (www.eabp.org) and the Croatian Chamber of Psychotherapists (www.hkpt.hr).
Individual therapy session lasts 60 minutes. In order to achieve desired effects, which depend on a client's individual needs and wishes, it is important to determine an appropriate rhythm of attendance. Since this is an intense form of therapy, it is advised to schedule sessions no more than once a week in order to allow ourselves to integrate new findings until the next session, and no less than twice a month since that would not provide a desired effect and the intensity will not be strong enough to motivate a change from within. Bearing in mind that we're unveiling the behavioural patterns and expressing feelings the roots of which lie deep in our early childhood, it is expected that this kind of work lasts at least for a year in order to feel a significant change in our relationship towards ourselves and our environment.
You can schedule the first session via phone call or e-mail. Further schedule will be arranged upon the first meeting. If you cannot reach me on my mobile phone, send me a message and I will return your call. You can find all the contact information on the website menu (CONTACT).
Client's identity and problems are strictly confidential.
The payment is in cash after each session. It is also possible to arrange a monthly payment.
A scheduled appointment can be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. A new appointment will be scheduled as soon as possible. If an appointment isn’t cancelled on time, the client pays full price.
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