Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®) is a body-based technique used to reduce the impact of deeply stored stress, tension and trauma. The TRE® technique, developed by Dr David Berceli, is based on the fundamental idea, supported by recent research, that stress, tension and trauma are both psychological and physical. With a background in both psychotherapy and therapeutic work, Dr Berceli was able to develop a sequence of seven simple exercises that activate the body’s natural urge to shake or vibrate in order to release stress. When this shaking / vibrating mechanism is triggered – in a safe, controlled environment – it has multiple positive effects on the body, including calming and balancing the nervous system, helping the body release muscular tension, releasing trauma and bringing the body back into a state of balance.

Stress, tension and trauma are first experienced by our nervous system – further expressed through our bodies and minds. They are our body’s automatic response to any action or situation that places additional physical or psychological demands on us, that could disturb our balance, such as: new or unexpected events, things we feel we have no control over, situations that threaten our feeling of self.

When we experience something that appears to threaten our wellbeing, this automatic survival mechanism kicks in. It instantly creates physical changes in our body, including the production of stress hormones, triggering the ‘fight or flight’ response. This stress response is the body’s natural reaction to keep us on high alert, motivated and safe, until the ‘danger’ has passed. It’s a healthy reaction that can, at times, be essential for our survival – helping us push through challenging, intense or scary situations.

Our bodies typically return to a relaxed, resting state after the stress response has done its job, without any lasting negative effects. However, there are times when our stress response is repeatedly activated – or persists over extended periods – and we can get stuck in a permanent ‘fight or flight’ state. When this charge is not released, it is stored in the body in the muscles and fascia – as body memory. It can become toxic, causing a wide range of physical and mental health issues.

TRE® is an effective tool that can help the body release this charge naturally – resetting the nervous system and return the body to a state of balance. In addition to helping the body release deeply stored trauma, TRE® can also be used to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, build resilience and reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. It restores and supports physical, mental and emotional health.

The technique involves three main steps. First, a series of simple exercises is performed as a physical warm-up. These mildly stress and stretch the body’s core muscles and prepare the body to activate its natural shaking / vibrating mechanism. While this is typically a natural process, it is one we often resist, which is why our bodies have been unable to discharge any built-up stress naturally. After that, once activated, the gentle shaking / vibrating begins deep in the core of the body, moving to the legs, and reverberating up along the spine, releasing tension from the base of the spine to the top of the head. These are called neurogenic muscle tremors and are the body’s natural way of shaking off the effects brought about by stress and trauma. The shaking can trigger physical or emotional release, which, unlike situations of feeling overwhelmed, can be self-regulated. With TRE® training, we have control over the intensity and can moderate when, where and how much we release at any given time. Finally, it is important to rest, to allow the mind and body to settle and integrate any emotions that have arisen. This allows the brain to establish a new neural pattern related to relaxation. Endorphins, natural pain relief hormones, are released, and the natural state of balance is restored.

The shaking / vibrating mechanism activated by this technique is a part of our natural behaviour as humans, and therefore everyone can access and benefit from it. It is the body’s most natural, organic way of releasing pent-up ‘fight or flight’ energy and bringing the body back to homeostasis. The exercises can also be adapted to meet the specific needs of each individual, depending on flexibility and physical health – making them accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

Wide range of benefits includes:

  • reduced worry and anxiety
  • reduced symptoms of PTSD
  • more energy and stamina / endurance
  • less relationship conflict / improved relationships
  • improved sleep and natural state of rest
  • reduced muscle aches and pains, including relief from migraines, headache, back pain
  • better circulation
  • increased flexibility
  • more balanced mood
  • greater emotional resilience
  • improved autoimmune conditions
  • relief from many inflammatory illnesses
  • release of deeply buried emotional / physical trauma
  • a healthier body and mind awareness
  • improved sense of feeling focused, confident and grounded.

In the beginning, TRE® should be practiced about 4-6 times under the supervision and training of a certified TRE® provider to gain confidence in one’s body and learn to self-regulate the process. Because stress and trauma history is specific for each person, the number of sessions needed to get there will vary from one person to another. Once the client learns how to self-regulate the process and feels safe and relaxed enough, they can start practicing TRE® at home and whenever they feel the need to. A client should continue practicing TRE® 2-3 times a week, or more often during stressful periods, so that their body stays relaxed and their neurological system in an optimal state of awareness, building resilience to future stress.

TRE® is considered to be as safe and effective as any other exercise-based, stress-release practice for most people. However, it is not advisable to use it as a substitute for trauma recovery procedures of a medical or psychological nature.

At Restart Centre, TRE® is offered in both group and individual sessions.

Centar Restart

The Restart Center is a place of work on the personal development of adults through the methods of body-oriented psychotherapy and expressive art therapy.

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